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Sometimes a 4 minute video is worth 1,000 words

We have compiled some helpful videos here to help you quickly understand Christian Healthcare Ministries cost sharing. We hope this will be a big help as you evaluate whether CHM is right for you or your family. NOTE: some of these videos are a bit out-of-date. For example, the minimum incident that can be shared is now $1,250, and each member has one $1,250 out-of-pocket “copay” annually. But overall we find these videos to still be quite helpful in understanding and evaluating whether CHM is right for you.

Basic CHM Overview

An overview of CHM. This is a good starting point.

How CHM Works

A very short video about how it works.

A “Deep Dive” into CHM

A CHM member put together a 20 minute video about health cost sharing and why they chose CHM. The costs, personal responsibility (“copay”) and minimum sharing amounts may have changed since this video was created. However it is still a very helpful explanation of CHM if you want to take the time. (I watched it with closed captions on and playing at 1.5 speed.)

A shorter Deep Dive into CHM

Here is a bit shorter video that still goes into detail about why this family chose CHM. Again, the cost, personal responsibility and minimum incident amount have since changed, but still a helpful video.

Dave Ramsey on CHM

Many Christian families have come to trust in the advice and wisdom of Dave Ramsey. This video is a few years old but it might be helpful to hear what he has to say about CHM.

Would you mind helping us keep this website going at no cost to you? We created this website to help people looking for summarized information about Christian Healthcare Ministries, and our family pays all the costs associated with hosting the site and keeping it updated. If this website has been helpful to you, we’d be grateful if you would help keep it “on the air” by simply using our link to request or download an information packet from CHM. If you use our link and then choose to join CHM, our family will receive a discounted month – and it will cost you nothing. Thank you so much!

Note: This Christian Healthcare Ministries Information Site is not officially affiliated with Christian Healthcare Ministries